Friday, October 28, 2011

Out Of The Dark Ages

Why would anyone anywhere think a monarchy is a good thing in this day and age? As Americans it goes against EVERYTHING we stand for and its many flaws are the reason we are even a nation today. Yet despite our history with monarchs, some of our fellow citizens can’t get enough of the British royal family. I don’t understand the fascination. I didn’t tune in to watch the royal wedding and the only thoughts I have when I hear about the new couple are, “I can’t believe a monarchy even exist in this day and age!” I know the UK isn’t the only guilty nation I am just using them as an example because they are the monarchy we are all most familiar/obsessed with. Today’s headline on CNN stated that Women get equal right to British throne; I have so many thoughts on that and they all sound a bit snarky so I apologize in advance.
First, congrats to the UK for giving women equal rights to the throne. That is such a big step out of the middle ages. Too bad the entire idea of divine rights of kings is from the middle ages. Even if the current power of the British royal family isn’t what it used to be it is still an archaic notion proved many times over to be deeply flawed. That being said I can’t get too snarky with the Brits seeing as how they have had a women in their top elected office of Prime Minister while we have yet to have a woman president. Even Germany’s head of government is a woman, but I digress.
Secondly, I can’t stomach the romanticizing of the monarchy. The argument made about it representing family, blood, and honor is only made by people who are monarchs or have no real grasp on history and I don’t mind pointing out that such nostalgic affection is ridiculous. Monarchs rule not because they represent quaint traditions, but because their ancestors killed anyone who opposed them. They believe or believed that it was their god given right to rule over the masses. Of course according to MANY of our political leaders and wannabe political leaders, they were specially selected by god also; maybe we haven’t come as far as I would like to think.
Lastly, the article about the exciting new leap forward for the UK also stated that plans to scrap the Act of Settlement were in the works. That gem of a law, passed in 1701, banned the monarch from marrying a Catholic. The law was enacted to ensure that Protestants, and not Catholics, held the throne and remained head of the Church of England. That would be laughable if it didn’t hit close to home. We may not have laws against what kind of beliefs our leaders must subscribe to but it most certainly is an unwritten rule!
So instead of praising the UK for their baby step into the 21st century, maybe the media should take this opportunity to question the need for the existence of any monarchy at all. I would have loved to have seen that just once in any of the recent articles pertaining to the story, but I never came across one that even questioned it.

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